На много интересна страница в интернет попаднах - проект за резолюция на Парламентарната Асамблея на Съвета на Европа за Гьокчеада, в която се споменава за преразглеждане на разрешението за строеж на хотела върху защитен резерват:
"...9.5. to repair in due course the damage already done to the natural and cultural heritage of the islands, in particular by:
9.5.3. reviewing the permit given to the “Wind-Surf Club” built in the sensitive natural habitat zone between the salt lake and the Agean Sea on the south-eastern coast of Gökçeada (Imbros);
47. The first is the so-called “Wind-Surf-Club” in the south-eastern corner of the island, which is a monstrous concrete block placed right on a narrow patch of land between the beach and a shallow salt lake, which is an important bird sanctuary, right in the middle of a large nature protection zone. We actually saw people surfing on the salt lake, towards a group of flamingos. The owner of the club, whom I asked how he had obtained the extraordinary permit to build in this particularly sensitive zone, reacted very aggressively. He showed me a picture of a similar monstrosity on a neighbouring Greek island and accused me of wanting to destroy the economic basis of the Turkish community on the island. The authorities acknowledged that “tourist facilities” were not allowed in this zone, but argued that this was not a tourist facility, but an educational establishment (a surfing and diving school) and that the permit was therefore legal. Frankly speaking, I am not convinced."
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